10 Worst Ever Levels In Hitman Video Games

1. The Jungle God - Codename 47

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IO Interactive

Io Interactive asked the fans which levels they'd like to see remade for Hitman Contracts and unsurprisingly, precisely no-one wanted the levels set in the rainforest.

Not only did these levels feature some of the worst voice acting and writing imaginable (such as 47 muttering “Columbia... from what I've heard, even the butterflies are corrupt and smuggling drugs”), but each mission  in this location is nothing more than spacious areas of mostly-flat green ground with an occasional brick tower and lots of trees.

The objective is to enter a crawlspace that is guarded by a tiger, considered to be a god by the local U'wa tribe. Shoot it, or drop some dead pigs nearby, and it's mission accomplished. Lucky players can just run past the stupid kitty and frantically crawl through the hole in the wall. Either way, it's a short and very unsatisfying level that makes you wonder why it was implemented in the first place. 

Besides, the rainforest is not a particularly exciting place to explore. The technology just wasn't there yet to allow 47 to act like a hunter and manipulate the wildlife into killing the guards, or creating traps to drop them down in holes, or blending in with the shrubbery. It's just a filler level, and the worst one in Hitman history at that.  

Which levels do you think are the worst in the Hitman franchise? Share your picks below in the comments thread.

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Jake "The Voice" Parr - voice actor, mastermind of The Cyber Den on Siren FM, game reviewer, and classy chap.