Uncharted 4: 10 Essential Things That Must Happen

8. Drake Stays Himself

Speaking of tone and continuity, so far the vast majority of what's been shown has a slightly dour feel to it. That first teaser had an exhausted and worn down Drake alone on what looked to be a deserted island, only for this newer demo to have a fairly lengthy climbing sequence all set inside a dank, murky cave. These seem to all be conscious decisions, put in place to establish a far more desperate version of the character right from the outset. Still, the one thing that must remain solid throughout is Nate pulling through whilst retaining enough of his signature charm to carry everything forward. There's been many a comment on how he is actually a bit unhinged, as at no point does he seem remotely phased by the fact he's snapping necks for a living, instead getting by on cracking jokes and keeping a fairly light tone. You can argue this tone is a staple of the blockbuster action movie-stylings the series has always taken influence from, and providing Neil Druckmann knows when to reign in the potentially self-reflective 'Look what I've become' side of the character that's yet to be explored, they can continue to play up Drake's heartwarming sensibilities to the best effect.
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Uncharted 4
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