Uncharted 4: 10 Essential Things That Must Happen

7. No Reliance On Auto-Pilot Set-Pieces

Remember hopping between train carriages in Uncharted 2, or constantly course-correcting your orientation on a sinking ship in 3? Naughty Dog have always found new and interesting ways to push boundaries when it comes to new games, and although part three featured a couple of instances where levels were more like programmer's dreamscapes, there's an overwhelmingly intense feeling of joy when you're piloting your own way through what's been designed. Assumedly Naughty Dog aren't going to take influence from the other blockbuster titans of the industry like Call of Duty, Battlefield or God of War when it comes to creating these larger-than-life standout moments, as they usually amount to restricting your input to just a couple of button presses or holding down a trigger. Instead although in the new footage you can see a couple of quick-time event actions kicking in to symbolise something like pulling an item out of a wall or struggling to kill a dangling enemy, Naughty Dog's titles have always stood out because of the sheer technical wizardry on display, rather than creating an elaborate fireworks display you slowly get dragged through.
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Uncharted 4
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