Uncharted 4: 10 Essential Things That Must Happen

6. Troy Baker's Sam Drake Turns Evil

This is more for people who follow the games industry a little closer than the rest, and will know their Nolan Norths from their Troy Bakers in the first place. The latter appeared almost as if from nowhere as the actor behind a great many characters - everyone from Arkham Origins' Mark Hamill-inspired Joker to Last of Us' Joel - whilst the former rode the success of the first Uncharted series to incredibly lofty heights, only to get parts of varying size in nearly every major game across the last few years. Between the two of them they've canvassed the industry, and aside from Solid Snake's iconic David Hayter, are essentially the most well-known and beloved people working in that field today. So naturally when Baker was confirmed to be working with North on U4 fans of both camps lost their minds. But what's better than them teaming up? A once-brother-now-sworn-enemy face-off, that's what. It would be a fan dream come true to see the two titanic talents facing off both on screen and in any backstage booth-footage, and as Baker's character Sam already looks like he's far more travelled and world-weary than Drake, it wouldn't be a surprise if by the end the two of them come to blows around who gets to take home the gold. So, Team Baker, or Team North?
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Uncharted 4
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