Undertale: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

8. Frisk

Undertale Cast
Toby Fox

Typically in a list like this, you would expect the protagonist of the game to be at least in the top five, but again, the quality of characters in this game is so strong that it forces the very well crafted Frisk right down. Frisk is a great character to play, but they lack in some areas, making them an easier choice for the lower end of this hierarchy.

When you step into Undertale for the first time, it doesn't take long for you to place yourself into Frisk's shoes (or whatever you choose to name the 'fallen human'). They don't seem to do much outside of following your instructions, as there's no dialogue, no cutscenes and no real sense of character for them.

This works wonders for the game, as you can essentially use them as a vessel to explore The Underground. A major part of the title's themes are the fourth-wall-breaking antics, so feeling like you are genuinely in control of an avatar is a straightforward way to delve into those ideas.

However, it does mean that Frisk is left feeling rather hollow. Frisk only oversteps Asriel and Asgore because of how integral they are to the plot and the well-crafted player agency they allow.

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