Undertale: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

3. Alphys

Undertale Cast
Toby Fox

It's easy to see why Alphys struck such a chord with players, as she delivers on something that's both easily relatable and full of flaws. Falling for a character on the surface level is important, but learning about their deeper issues makes you feel closer to them. That's what turns this reptilian scientist into one of the best characters.

The first thing that strikes you about her is how awkward and bumbling she is. Her geeky personality and social awkwardness are easily relatable for many players, and this only gets stronger as you get to know her and discover her love for anime. She's adorably enthusiastic, and that makes it easy to like her.

However, lying beneath this is a sense of depth that makes her even stronger. For example, you learn that she orchestrated Mettaton's attacks to paint herself as the hero and get close to you. While this is a breach of your trust, it's also a sincere way to show how hard she wants to impress people.

Plus, if you go down the pacifist route, you'll experience True Labs, which is a monument to her tragic backstory. Here you learn about her experiments on monster souls and the hideous Amalgamates she created. The deep shame of her past and her desire to move forward makes Alphys all the more fascinating.

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