Undertale: Every Main Character Ranked Worst To Best

2. Undyne

Undertale Cast
Toby Fox

Sometimes, it's impossible not to fall for a spear-toting badass, and that's what Undyne gives you. Her incredibly cool design and overwhelming power are an instant jumping-off point for greatness, but depending on which play style you choose, you'll see a whole different side to her. She goes from being a terrifying enemy to a good friend - if you play your cards right.

Firstly, when going down a genocide run, you see just how brave she is. Although she might not have a human soul, she's filled with determination as she fights tooth and nail to stop you from hurting her friends. It takes a lot to defeat her, and her passionate speech proves just how much she cares.

Then, going down the peaceful pacifist route lets you see a whole new side to her. She'll teach you to cook, spend time with you as a friend, and you'll even get to be a part of her blooming relationship with Alphys. This shows you that she's not just a fighter; she's also capable of being vulnerable, open and emotional, which makes her all the more engaging.

No matter which direction you take with her, you're going to see something profound.

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