Matts death is a big WTF moment for two reasons. Firstly, if (like most people) youre playing to try and save as many people as possible, then its likely the first one that happens. And second, it comes out of absolutely nowhere. His death comes as a consequence of him and his girlfriend Emily trying to use the radio tower. Things happen, and the tower unbalances and topples over, sending both of them plummeting downwards towards the mines. Luckily, Matt gets a foothold on a ledge but Emily is left dangling, clinging onto a railing for dear life. Now, the player gets the choice to try and save Emily, or abandon her and save himself and its very likely youll make the wrong choice. Trying to save Emily collapses the tower, leaving Matt with no choice but to run for it, and he jumps to what seems like safety. Unfortunately, the monster has other ideas. Matt gets dragged unceremoniously through the caves and impaled through the jaw on a sharp hook. Its horrible, its gory, and its definitely not painless. But thats Until Dawn for you one bad decision and suddenly youre a survivor short.