Watch Dogs 2: 11 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know About
2. Emotes, Character Interactions, Co-Op And Invasions
Ubi note that they want to "address hackers as a community", and whatever that would mean in reality, in-game you'll come across other characters who can potentially lend a helping hand - you just need to motion to them and recruit to your cause.
Getting Assassin's Creed 2/Brotherhood vibes yet?
In addition, their Dark Souls (rip-off) 'invasion' mechanic will allow you to drop into other player's games and hunt them down, whilst they can still do the same to you. A string of missions are noted as only being doable with a teammate too, so at some point if you want to see everything, you'll need to find a likeminded soul to go on a hacking spree with.