Watch Dogs 2: 11 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know About

3. Social Media, Follower Unlocks & 3D Printed Weapons

watch dogs 2

Every Ubisoft game needs some form of currency to cash in and upgrade your character, and Watch Dogs 2 is no different. This time, you'll be weaponising social media itself as a way to 'wake up' the general populace.

All missions and actions you take will give you more followers, which in turn allow you to unlock abilities. Best of all, once you unlock newer, fancier weapons, you'll 3D print them into existence and be able to use them instantly.

Certain NPCs you can recruit already have dedicated numbers behind them, and it's by amassing as many to your cause as possible, that will allow Marcus to become a reputable force in San Fran.

The devs make a point of saying general progression will feel completely different to the original, and by completing everything from racing minigames (urgh) to puzzles, side missions etc., it almost feels like we're getting a Far Cry Primal-esque setup of "Here's everythingat once, go have fun!"

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