Watch Dogs 2: 11 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know About

1. San Francisco Looks STUNNING - Fixes The Drab Chicago Environment

watch dogs 2

Aside from Driver: San Francisco and the parodic San Fierro in GTA: San Andreas, the Golden City has rarely been featured in big-budget games. And that's a shame, because from the winding hillocks to the giant metallic behemoth than is the Golden Gate Bridge, there's a hell of a lot to take in.

Looking back to the original, Chicago still came with its respective landmarks, but was fairly boring and repetitive to drive through. Aside from some 50 degree ramps that came from the various river bridges lifting and lowering, for the most part its dour colour palette made the whole thing blur into mush.

Not anymore. By modelling all of San Fran and having members of the dev team actually hail from the city itself, exploring its mix of winding roads and wide-open, sun-kissed vistas should provide the perfect backdrop for all sorts of crime-related capers.


Let us know in the comments what you think of Watch Dogs 2, and if you're up for giving Ubisoft another chance!

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