Watch Dogs 2: 11 New Gameplay Features You Need To Know About

10. Much More In-Depth Hacking Options

watch dogs 2

One of the biggest complaints that came from the original stemmed entirely from your supposedly 'incredible' hacking skills, boiling down to looking at a thing and holding a button to instantly trigger it. Everything from underground steam pipes to road blocks and more could be tapped in an instant, and whilst I actually thought it meant you could conjure up some fun scenarios on the fly, Ubi have made the whole system way more in-depth.

Now, you're still free to tap a button and trigger the most basic of any environmental/contextual asset, or you can hold it to enter into a full control mode. In a recently shown Youtube video, we see protagonist Marcus hop into the digi-guts of a forklift truck, before picking up a car and dumping it in a nearby river.

Another example was luring a guard over to a particular part of the environment, before hopping into a nearby car and remote-control running them over. In these instances it almost gives the proceedings a bit of a Hitman vibe, which is a great franchise to crib from when it comes to experimenting with gameplay mechanics.

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