Watch Dogs 2 Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

5. The Tone Is A Complete Mess

Watch Dogs 2 Marcus

Depending upon how you decide to play Watch Dogs 2, it can be a real tonal mess, especially if you decide to become a blood-letting Terminator.

It's fair to say that the game definitely encourages the player to use stealth and hacking to complete missions, but there will almost inevitably be scenarios where you'll need to use combat to confront enemies head-on.

Protagonist Marcus is at least supplied with a tranq gun (with unlimited ammo), but this isn't much of an option during more intense engagements, and you'll likely end up killing at least a few people throughout the main campaign.

It just feels...wrong. Marcus is this smart, slick hacker and the fact the player can commit mass slaughter feels actively weird.

It's worth distinguishing this from GTA, which has a history of more unhinged, irredeemable protagonists where the violence is more expected, because Marcus actually seems like a good, well-adjusted guy, and the fact you can just murder everyone in the mission area with an assault rifle strikes an odd sour note.

Playing this way, it feels kinda tough to support Marcus' actions, so unless you want to have a crisis of conscience, it's probably best to stick to stealth and gadgetry where possible.

This won't be an issue for everyone, but for those who like to dig in deep on the meaning of games and their characters, it may present a conundrum.

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Watch Dogs 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.