What GTA 6 MUST Learn From GTA 5

8. Focusing On One Location Isn’t Bad

GTA 6 art

5's Los Santos was only one area of the wider San Andreas map, but Rockstar developed it and poured love into every corner. There's been a lot of talk about GTA 6 being bigger than ever. Hmm. What good is map space if it isn’t populated with interesting things to see or do though?

6 in a living, breathing Vice City sounds better than 6 spread across multiple locations just so everyone can boast about scale. Using the power of new hardware smartly is preferable to crafting a sandbox with vast chunks of land that are totally useless. Oh look, another identikit garage in the middle of nowhere. Great!

Seriously, GTA 6 doesn't need to spread itself too thin. One well-realised locale would be enough to satisfy players who want the most immersive open world yet. If Rockstar works hard on the lusted-after source material (Vice) and soups it up into something more vibrant, then they'll be onto a winner.

That's what they did with San Andreas in 5.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.