What Your Favourite Call Of Duty Game Says About You

Call Of Duty: Black Ops

BlackOps Treyarch once again took the reins of the Call of Duty franchise with the seventh outing of the series. Once again, we found ourselves in the past, only this time, it was during the Cold War. Most of the story takes place as flashbacks that you have to play for. Also, every cutscene boils down to the characters yelling €œWHAT DO THE NUMBERS MEAN?€ and then a bunch of numbers flashed on the screen. When I first put the game in, I thought I had accidentally purchased a copy of Math Rabbit to help me learn addition and subtraction. The game went back to the stylish gore that World at War had as well as the ability to shoot monkeys. I€™m telling you, after a certain point, all of the Call of Duty games bleed together so whenever I can think of something to say that distinguishes them in any way, I€™m going to do it. So yeah, you could shoot monkeys. Also, there were snow levels. Black Ops also brought back the zombie mode which gamers enjoyed. The multiplayer was cracked down on considerably following Modern Warfare 2, however, there was only peace in the land for a few days before exploiters were back to exploiting things and throwing knives across the entire map and stabbing you in the face. What It Says About You You are a dedicated person. At this point I€™m assuming you€™ve purchased every Call of Duty since Modern Warfare and you€™ve yet to realize that they are the same game. Sure, you and your friends may hop online and take out some zombies, but you may just be buying Call of Duty to buy Call of Duty. It€™s the cool thing to do. You aren€™t a bad person. You might just need to go away to a Call of Duty rehab facility for a while. Or hey, maybe you just really like having numbers yelled at you and a story that makes no sense. If that€™s the case, you may own all of M. Night Shyamalan€™s filmography. You enjoy that.

I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify