Why Apple Arcade Will Win The War Against Google Stadia
1. Why Stadia May Struggle

To truly understand the potential realistic requirements of Stadia we need to look at another game streaming service. Nvidia’s GeForce Now software recommends at least 35Mbps internet, with real low low latency and a 5Ghz network. Stadia, by aiming to provide a similar service over mobile data, is setting itself up to fail.
In addition, it is worth noting that GeForce Now is a FREE service, so if you’re comparing Stadia to GeForce Now, you’re getting a very expensive controller! If you are planning to use Stadia on you’re mobile network, you’ll either need to be prepared to pay for a hefty bill or play in horrific resolution and have even worse frame-rate.
On a different note, Google haven’t got the best history when it comes to privacy and data control. You can be sure that every game you play, every message you send, and any search you make will be sold to third-party companies, a reason many stay away from Google products. Apple, however, have been keen to stress how they don’t collect any of your personal information because, you know, it’s personal. That is a big selling point for Apple, and an influential factor when it comes to choosing the best service to use.
Fundamentally, Apple Arcade is a better option when it comes to the new gaming experience. Stadia might seem tempting on the surface, but deep down it could take gaming back a step and all you’re paying for with Stadia instead of Arcade is a controller and permission for all your data to be sold.
It may still be too early to discard Stadia as a revolutionary gaming service, but the preliminary evaluation doesn’t look favourable. It may be the outrageous requirements, or the history of Google’s data abuse, but something raises a red flag with Stadia, for now at least.