Why Assassin's Creed: Black Flag Is The Best Assassin's Creed

5. The Tone

Tone was becoming one of Ubisoft's biggest issues heading into the development of Black Flag. Revelations was a bit too deep and convoluted, whereas Assassin's Creed III's tone, at best, felt confused and, at worst, felt like it completely missed the mark.

From the get go, Black Flag knew exactly what kind of game it was and arguably possesses the most consistent tone of any entry into the franchise. The boisterous, light-hearted feel of robbing Spanish and British merchants and exploring lost ruins is exactly the kind of tone players want from their pirate game, and is exactly the right kind of thing to be aiming for when there are games in the series whose tones are so far off the mark that they sometimes forget the whole point of them is that they're supposed to be fun.

However, Black Flag is still an Assassin's Creed game and there are still plenty of powerful moments nestled in throughout. James Kidd and the Assassins are constantly the voice of reason and preach to Edward about the greater good, and the depth of Edward's character is exceptionally well-crafted through some genuinely emotional points in the game's storyline.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.