Why Assassin's Creed: Black Flag Is The Best Assassin's Creed

4. The Characters

When you create a game based around the Golden Age of Piracy era of history, you should be able to boast a truly colourful collection of characters. Ubisoft have a fairly mixed bag of results when it comes to recreating their historical characters, with Assassin's Creed III and Unity being the prime examples of how badly wrong they can get it. Black Flag, on the other hand, stands out for being the best example of them getting it absolutely spot on however.

The characters in the game are not only interesting and varied in their own right, but they are actually crucial to both the story and the development of Edward as a character. Each one of the pirates of Nassau represents where Edward could end up, with James Kidd representing the potential life of an Assassin, Thatch representing the life of an infamous pirate lord and Vane representing the repercussions of aggression and emotional impulse, for example.

From Adewale to Benjamin Hornigold, not only was this collection of characters instrumental to the plot and to the development of the game's main character, but they were the first collection of side characters that were memorable enough to actually leave a serious impression.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.