The Witcher 2: 15 Reasons It's A Hidden Masterpiece You've Ignored

5. The Monsters

The Witcher 2 has a ton of great creatures in it. Since Geralt makes a living slaying these beasts, you can expect much of the game€™s quests, both main and side, to be comprised of killing monsters and reaping the rewards. Fire-spewing dragons, grotesque trolls and ghastly wraiths are just some of the monstrosities that populate the world. A lot of the fun comes from the monster slaying system. When Geralt enters a new town or area, you€™ll find that it is being terrorised by certain kinds of creatures local to that area. Geralt can take it upon himself to rid the area of these monstrous pests, but to do that you have to understand them. This means engaging them and learning their weaknesses through combat. From this experience you can devise traps or potions that will aid you in exterminating specific creatures. Each creature has their own strengths, weaknesses and attack strategies, which forces you to employ different tactics. The creatures themselves are really well designed. There is a brutal grotesquery to all the designs, especially in regards to the Nekkers and Rotfiends. Even creatures traditional to fantasy like the dragons are designed in a way you probably haven€™t seen before. Basically, The Witcher 2 is a monster fan€™s dream come true.
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.