The Witcher 2: 15 Reasons It's A Hidden Masterpiece You've Ignored

4. It's A Proper RPG

As RPGs have become more mainstream, so has their design. In order to appeal to a larger, more casual audience, a lot of large scale RPGs streamline the qualities that make it an RPG in the first place. Item management, level grinding and character creation can be made more restrictive or simplified so as to attract the kind of person that might otherwise be too intimidated to play it. This isn€™t necessarily a good or bad thing; it€™s just a fact of the video game industry as it continues to grow and be accepted by mainstream culture. If you€™re one of those people who likes to play more hardcore RPGs, than The Witcher 2 is for you. This game may overwhelm the average, less-experienced gamer; there is just so much story and so much to do - you€™ll be spending a lot of time at the menu screen managing items, customising outfits, and reading journal entries. There are a ton of categories to level up in what ever order of your choosing, almost overwhelmingly so. Resource gathering is a must, and there is a lot of it. It also has a pretty in depth potion mixing system that, when used, adds further depth to the combat.
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The Witcher
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.