The Witcher 2: 15 Reasons It's A Hidden Masterpiece You've Ignored

8. Unique Style

Anyone who has played enough RPGs knows that there tends to be two major styles: Western and Eastern. The major differences between the two come from the cultural and geographical differences of the countries they originate from. Western RPGs tend to be more dark, gritty, and realistic with grizzled, world-weary protagonists. In contrast, Eastern RPGs usually boast colourful and exaggerated realities with younger, strong-willed protagonists. For the most part, most major RPGs fall into one of these categories, and whether you prefer one over the other of course depends on your personal taste. The Witcher 2 doesn€™t originate from the West or the East. It comes from the Polish developer CD Projekt RED, based on a series of the aforementioned novels from Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Because of this, it has its own unique, distinctly European style. Since most major games are made in either the U.S. or Japan, countries like Poland are very under represented in the video game industry. As such, it is so refreshing to play a game that presents a different style and tone compared to the majority of titles. And it€™s not like you can just point to any one aspect and claim that as what distinguishes it; it is the combination of all the elements, from writing style to game design, which gives the game its unique feel.
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The Witcher
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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.