WWE 14: 10 Implications From THQ Sale To Take Two

5. More Players On-Screen

This technical proficiency also suggests that 2K might be able to rectify another complaint that has been running rampant for years, that we can't ever have more than 6 wrestlers (plus a referee) on the screen at any one time. Though it's fair enough given the tech Yukes has had to work with - apparently any more players would make the game unstable, with low frame-rates, glitches and freezing etc - a more technically-minded developer could probably work some miracles and get us more players on the screen, and 2K Games, with their focus on streamlined, stunning gameplay, just might be the ones to do it. Though it's easy to think "They'll definitely be able to have 8 wrestlers on-screen on the PS4", it's of course important to remember that graphics, storage and such are all scaled, so developers will still have the same compatibility solutions to come up with, in terms of balancing functionality with innovation. While we won't expect the frantic thrills of WWF Royal Rumble on the Dreamcast - which achieved 9 players on screen, because the game was a light arcade title rather than a technically demanding sim - it would be nice to have at least 8 guys grapping on screen during a Royal Rumble. 2K can make it happen.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.