WWE 2K15: 10 Innovations We Demand To See

2. Backstage Brawls

Quite possibly one of the most requested things among fans for years. Here Comes the Pain, and every game before it, allowed you the ability to explore the arena and fight in any number of places such as WWF New York, the VIP/General Manager's Office, Times Square (there was even a winter version of this portion of the venue), the locker room, the parking lot (anyone else remember the exploding cars?), the showers, the boiler room, a kitchen inside of WWF New York ... you get our point, right? This needs to be brought back. The current backstage area, while it has some nice points, is just not as cool as it could be. Could you imagine Take-Two implementing a concession stand? What about fighting in a bathroom and tossing someone into a toilet stall? A couple of years ago, there was a General Manager's Office that you could destroy, but now it's gone! There are a plethora of possibilities that Take-Two can tap into to make the game even more enjoyable by taking the best of the previous entries in the series and tossing it all into 2K15! A multitude of weapons can also be used throughout the venue ... maybe a cameo appearance made by Perry Saturn's Moppy or Al Snow's Pierre? What about a golf cart and golf clubs? A trash can lid? How about frying pans, mirrors, ironing boards, food items, briefcases, make-up, or barbed-wired bats?

Tommy Bobby Watanabe is an aspiring American novelist, stage actor, playwright, former LGBT rights activist, and has three years of independent professional wrestling experience and has been a big fan since 1998. An avid horror movie buff and comic book aficionado, TBW is honored to be featured on WhatCulture with some of the Internet's most talented writers and looks to spread his own knowledge and wit to WhatCulture's loyal readers.