WWE 2K15: Everything We Know So Far

4. The New Roster Will Come In

It might seem like a simple thing to say, but the roster for this year's game is very likely to reflect the changes to the current. It makes sense that the biggest name wrestlers who have debuted over the past twelve months will end up as playable characters, so we'll probably see the likes of Paige and the Wyatt Family added to the main roster. Paige might not necessarily have the skills yet - and is probably mostly over because she's brand new - but she made a big impact immediately after Wrestlemania XXX on Raw, defeating AJ Lee to win the Divas Championship match. And the impact that the Wyatt family have had this year doesn't need much of an introduction: the feud with John Cena in particular has been a highlight in terms of story-lines. And then there's the possibility of new teams appearing as playable options as hinted by a 2K status immediately after the re-appearance of Evolution: https://twitter.com/WWEgames/status/456136884729565184
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