WWE 2K16: 10 Crippling Gameplay Issues That Must Be Fixed
7. Renee Young's MyCareer Interviews
These could've been so awesome, and there are definitely some severe repercussions for your superstar later down the line depending on how you handle yourself when being talked to, but as they stand, the Renee Young interviews are stilted, awkwardly recorded and ultimately, broken. For some reason, the shipped version of 2K16 has Renee start a sentence, half-address your character, wait a good few seconds in complete silence and then hold the microphone up. From there you can pick one of four responses (that sometimes are just two) shortened down from what you'll actually say - to which Renee will kick back into life and thank you, before ending the segment. Audio quality in these parts is too high fidelity, meaning it sounds directly like Renee's booth recording has been slapped in there, alongside the interaction feeling so forced and unresponsive (a word you're going to hear a lot in this article). Even your superstar's line deliveries are a little off, putting emphasis on all the wrong parts, and ultimately not selling the fact they're an NXT faithful hoping to make it big. https://youtu.be/7OfI4pQHH44?t=53 How to fix it: You're telling me out of all the casting calls, they couldn't get a really enigmatic personality to bring any CAW to life? If Destiny can recast Peter Dinklage with Uncharted's Nolan North, 2K can get someone in who'd sell an interview no matter how broken the interviewer is. As for Young, just remove the gap in her speech and get her to record some more lines - she's already got the chops in real life that would translate across nicely.