WWE 2K16: 10 Crippling Gameplay Issues That Must Be Fixed

6. Previewing Items In Create-A-Superstar

For whatever reason, the CAW system - despite being fantastic elsewhere this year, you can even accurately scan your face in this time - still doesn't have a 'preview' function for items, despite it being in all the older PS1 games. Surely it can't be that hard to front-load a larger amount of CAW assets, that would then be available to scroll through once you get to designing your character? Right now you can hop into the mode fast enough, but if you want to equip any piece of clothing, item etc., you'll select it, wait to load, decide you don't like it, unequip and do it all again - occasionally a good 10+ times if you're indecisive or curious what things look like. The material options in particular bog the engine right down - as if switching a leather jacket from 'Default' to 'Satin' is somehow more taxing than loading all of Finn Balor's smoke effects. 2K are so close with this, but as loading times between such a vast array of items are the glue that holds the entire thing together, it ends up feeling very unstable, occasionally like a full-on crash is imminent. How to fix it: Better optimisation. Either load all the items in across a longer initial time, that then means everything is flawless once you're in the editor, or do it by section; all facial items, clothing, optional accessories etc. loading as you choose the category.
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