WWE 2K16: 10 Wrestlers More Deserving Of Being Cover Star

7. Roman Reigns

Poor Roman Reigns. Since it became clear that fans wouldn't accept him as the face of the company, The Rock's cousin has been shuffled down the card as the WWE attempts to get fans back on his side. So far, it does appear to be working (albeit slowly), and depending on the direction he's taken in throughout the rest of 2015, there's every chance that the WWE Universe will be cheering for him in the main event of next year's WrestleMania. If the company is still serious about giving Roman a push then, it's particularly surprising that he didn't wind up on the cover of 2K16. Even after the Royal Rumble fiasco, Roman still had plenty of fans on his side, and while some would have no doubt rolled their eyes at him being given something they don't believe he's earned, that's not a fair assessment. Why? Well, if nothing else, Roman has been working his ass off as of late to prove himself, showing great signs of improvement along the way. It's clear that Reigns has a bright future ahead of him - whether fans like it or not - and after a year which most definitely hasn't gone as planned for him, taking Stone Cold's place could have been just what he needed.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.