WWE 2K16: 10 Wrestlers More Deserving Of Being Cover Star

6. Finn Balor

With the way NXT's popularity is on the rise and the recent buzz surrounding Finn Balor (not to mention his incredible victory over Kevin Owens at Beast in the East), it's a shame that WWE and 2K decided against giving him the cover of this year's instalment of the popular video game series. Perhaps NXT isn't yet at the point where either party believes that putting Balor on the cover would help copies of the game to fly off shelves. However, WWE fans are going to buy it regardless of who ends up on there, so would giving the new NXT Champion that spot not have shown just how important both he that brand are to the company? You have to believe it would have brought some new eyes to the Orlando based show anyway, as casual fans would no doubt find themselves intrigued by the image of the demonic Balor. It's become apparent in recent weeks that Balor is being positioned as a major star when he reaches the main roster, and unless WWE are planning on keeping him in NXT until Sami Zayn and Hideo Itami heal up, it's hard to figure out why a fresh new talent hasn't been prioritised over someone who hasn't wrestled for years. This time next year though? Well, NXT may even end up having a game of its own if things continue as they have been as of late...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.