WWE 2K16 Hands-On Impressions: 12 Things You Need To Know

10. MyCareer Looks Much More Promising

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBuDQUINZBY Last year's MyCareer mode was a huge waste of potential. A highly-acclaimed part of the NBA 2K franchise, hopes were high that a similar mode would be created, charting your own wrestler's rise through the ranks of NXT and beyond, from Jobber to Main-Eventer. Unfortunately, what the fans were given was a crushingly boring feature, replete with endless grind, minimal options for variety and almost none of the anything-can-happen factor that makes WWE programming so compelling. Although I only had the chance to play about 5 matches during 2K16's MyCareer mode, what I played was big step forward. Not only were there far more cutscenes from the off (featuring a very well-rendered Jason Albert... ladies), but you have much more control over your experience. Not only can you choose which championship you're going after, but you also have the ability to craft your face/heel persona much more. After every match, your superstar is interviewed by Renee Young and, from a number of options, you can choose to be cocky or humble, make an enemy or placate an ally. Having crafted a CAW model of Adam Pacitti, a tall & skinny geography teacher of a wrestler (screw you, "Other Adam from Whatculture.com"), I took to the ring to run through the basics under the tutelage of Albert. After a few of those matches, each intro'ed by a cutscene, I made my NXT debut. I lost my first match, and, post-match with Renee, turned heel after arrogantly declaring this to be "My era in NXT". The next match, Tyler Breeze interfered and cost me a victory against R-Truth and I immediately targeted him for a feud. Right off the bat, MyCareer feels much more fleshed out and engaging. Let's hope they can maintain that momentum beyond the first few matches.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.