WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

7. Survivor Series Elimination

For a very, very long time, the WWE games have been unable to have more than six wrestlers in the ring at a time. Even in WWE 2K16, there tends to be noticeable lag in Royal Rumble and six man ladder matches, so making a five on five tag team match a possibility will obviously require a major overhaul in the development process, and whether or not 2K Games can be bothered to make an effort that significant is hard to say! 2K16 does obviously include six man tag team matches which have an elimination stipulation, but that's simply not the same thing. The classic five on five Survivor Series elimination matches are a staple of the annual event, and the fact that they're not included feels like a startling omission on the part of 2K Games. Right now, tag team matches don't feel all that fun, but just the addition of these two extra wrestlers on each side would give them a more epic feel. It might just make tag team matches more strategic too. Should you take control of one of the guys on the apron and attack someone on the opposite team in order to weaken them for later or make frequent tags to keep all of your team members fresh for when it comes down to the final two or three? Throw in an extra focus on double team moves and hot tags, and there's a ton of potential here.
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WWE 2K17
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