WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

5. War Games

Many believe that next year's showcase mode will revolve around WCW, especially with the brand reaching a whole new audience thanks to the WWE Network. If that is the case - and even if it isn't - it would be great to see the classic War Games match somehow incorporated into WWE 2K17. It would be unlike anything ever seen before in one of these games, but are 2K Games capable of pulling it off? For those of you unfamiliar with War Games, it involves two rings side by side which were then encompassed by a massive cage. Consisting of two teams, they enter in staggered intervals, and the fact that this mode could borrow a lot of elements from the Elimination Chamber surely means that it wouldn't really be all that challenging to make a reality. What could pose a problem is the fact that there are two rings, but there's no way that this would be the same without them. Its inclusion would also be a pretty damn awesome way to pay tribute to its creator, Dusty Rhodes! This is so radically different to everything that's come before in these games, it being part of 2K17 could be the kick up the backside that these WWE games so desperately need. Turned into a fun and unique mode which even players who have never seen or heard of War Games could enjoy, 2K Games (if they can pull it off) really has the chance to finally impress players in a major way with this.
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WWE 2K17
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