WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

4. Stretcher

There's no denying that Stretcher matches are a little daft, but would it really be so bad to throw in something a little silly to join the familiar Ladder, Steel Cage, and Last Man Standing modes? A match with this stipulation obviously isn't all that different to an Extreme Rules or No Holds Barred contest, so it would be getting your opponent onto the stretcher which would be the biggest part of this one. It would need to come down to more than hitting a finishing move while near the stretcher to put them on that and wheel them away of course, but that's certainly one option, as is using a similar method to how you eliminate someone from the Royal Rumble to strap them down and send them on their way. To wheel them past that line, a similar method to how you climb out of a steel cage could also be utilised. Regardless of the gameplay method, this is another unique style of match which would bring something new to WWE 2K17, and is different enough to the standard modes players have come to expect to make the next instalment feel really fresh and different. Providing it's a real challenge to get an opponent onto that stretcher (and to of course avoid being put on there yourself), there's the potential for this to be a very exciting and tense mode which would bring some much needed fun to the franchise, while also shaking up how you behave in matches like this in a relatively big way.
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