WWE 2K17: 10 Awesome Match Types It Must Include

3. Battle Royal

Ok, so right about now, you're probably thinking of heading to the comments section to correct me, right? Battle Royals are of course a playable mode of the WWE video games and have been for some time, but at the end of the day, they aren't really Battle Royals at all; they're watered down versions of the Royal Rumble mode with six players in the ring from the very start! Easy to win if you've mastered the ways to eliminate an opponent during a Royal Rumble, these pose no real challenge and simply aren't that exciting. Even if 2K Games can up the amount of wrestlers in the ring to around 10 or 12, that would make a massive different in getting across what a frentic experience these are on TV. With the Andre the Giant Battle Royal now a regular fixture of WrestleMania, it's inexcusable that a faithful version of these matches has yet to be included in a WWE game, and even if they can't increase the number of wrestlers in the ring, an overhaul of how eliminations work would be no bad thing. Having more Superstars in the ring would obviously make the action even more chaotic, and it may be tough to find your footing if that's the case, but that's also sort of the point of a Battle Royal! Finding a more authentic way to approach the action of these is a must, and so they need to be shaken up in a big way to make them actually worth playing when next year's instalment comes around.
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WWE 2K17
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