WWE 2K17: 10 Things That Must Be Brought Back

3. Multiple Backstage Areas

Who can ever forget the endless fun of commandeering The Undertaker's motorcycle, grabbing opponents and hurling them to their doom whilst racing across the screen? That kind of thing was possible in Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain, but that wasn't the only title to make sterling use of backstage areas. It's something that's largely been abandoned in more recent titles, which is a real shame. Those little blue arrows from the older games promised so much. Just where could the chaos head to next? It was a true thrill to batter a helpless opponent from area to area, exploring all the environmental interaction available to you. WWE 2K16 doesn't really have that, it's pretty much focused on action inside the ring. That's indicative of how things have changed in WWE over the years, but the games should still retain that mayhem. Jumping off of a flat bed truck, smashing another wrestler's head off the hood of a nearby car, and even mowing them down in a forklift. It's mindless fun, giving the games a real pick-up-and-play element that's sorely lacking these days. Being able to start in the ring and then end up out of the streets in front of the arena feels magical, WWE games should be all about exploration and experimentation.
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WWE 2K17
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.