WWE 2K18: 10 Things It Can Learn From Past Games

6. How To Emulate WCW Mayhem's Commentary

WCW Mayhem

Commentary is by far one of the worst parts of any WWE game. Not only does it sound uninspired, the announcers sometimes launch into a spiel about something that isn't even happening on screen. Obviously, this does little to immerse fans in the match and leaves most wishing they could just turn it off entirely.

Go back to 1999's WCW Mayhem on the PSOne for some quality in-game commentary. Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan sound like they're into what's happening, and they even manage to sell chair shots or other weapon strikes like the vicious moments they are. Why isn't that happening in 2K17?

2K have to figure out what EA did with Mayhem and how those developers managed to get good commentary in a wrestling game. If they do that, the overall experience in 2K18 will be much better. If other video game genres like football, basketball and ice hockey can do great announcing, then wrestling should be doing the same.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.