WWE 2K18: 10 Things It Can Learn From Past Games

5. Hell In A Cell Is Supposed To Be Fun

Smackdown vs. Raw 2011

It's ironic that the hardest part of a Hell In A Cell match in recent WWE games is wrestling with the controls and limitations imposed on the player. Figuring out how to scale the Cell, or even break out of the thing, shouldn't be an issue. Older wrestling titles didn't have this nonsensical need to make things difficult.

Hell In A Cell is supposed to be fun, but with each passing entry is has become a real chore to enjoy one of WWE's most violent, chaotic creations. That shouldn't be the case at all, and is in fact the complete opposite of how a Cell bout needs to play out in-game. Those 'OMG' moments that only trigger when they feel like it have a lot to answer for.

Breaking out of the cage isn't easy, and that only lessens the desire to fire up Hell In A Cell and play with a friend. When most of the time is spent trying to get on top of the Cell, you know there's something wrong. Take a page out of old games, 2K, and stop focusing so needlessly on simulation.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.