WWE 2K18: 10 Things It Can Learn From Past Games

4. Ladders Should Be Placed Anywhere

SmackDown Shut Your Mouth

Firstly, elephant in the room: Ladder Matches could be a real pain in the rear end in previous wrestling games. Refinement was definitely needed, but that need for improvement didn't involve removing the ability to place ladders anywhere players liked.

In WWE 2K17, gamers only have a select few pre-determined spots they can sit ladders during matches. That flat out sucks and takes away so much of the fun. What's the point in touting a unique physics system if players can't exploit it by rag-dolling opponents onto ladders set up anywhere they damn well please?

If 2K live in fear that players won't set a ladder up directly underneath the title/briefcase they're trying to grab, then maybe restrict things inside the ring. Doing so outside makes little sense, and only makes it harder to perform kickass spots like diving onto the announce table.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.