WWE 2K18: 7 New Features You Need To Know

2. MyCareer Is Now Free Roaming

My Career Dolph Ziggler WWE 2k17
2K Games

MyCareer is 2K's attempt to make you feel like a WWE Superstar. The mode falls just short due to a maddening level of grind and a sheer lack of exciting set-piece moments to take your breath away. There's also not enough freedom, which is something the developers are keen to put right in 2K18.

The game's resident career mode will now be free roaming, which means gamers will be able to stalk the backstage areas in search of other wrestlers. Again, this isn't strictly a new thing (the old 'Road To WrestleMania' modes had free roaming elements and a first-person style was also used as far back as 2001's Just Bring It), but there's potential here.

The success of any free roaming will depend on just how far 2K are willing to take things. Can players truly just do what they want, or will they be forced into certain situations that turn this into 'go from A to B' drudgery? Being able to pick what titles you gun for and exactly who you want to buddy up with will be fun if handled correctly.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.