WWE 2K18: 7 New Gameplay Tweaks You Need To Know

5. You Can Control 'Wake Up' Taunts

WWE 2K18
2K Games

'Wake Up' taunts aren't a new thing to the WWE video game franchise at all. They've been around for years, and really make finishing sequences feel more natural. Seeing Randy Orton pound the mat in anticipation before each RKO is something you'd see on WWE TV, so it had a place in the games.

Up until now, one niggling issue has been using these taunts for finishers that occur from behind. 2K have solved this by enabling player control during the taunt itself. This means that you can move your wrestler whilst the taunt is in progress and avoid the need to drag rivals away from the ropes to avoid those oh-so-familiar rope breaks.

It's a cool addition, one that makes performing finishing moves from the back much easier and also lends itself to player freedom. 2K have finally shown signs they're moving away from those QTE moments that were all the rage several years ago too. This is a much more interactive system.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.