WWE 2K18: 7 Things You Can Learn From The Game’s First Footage

5. They're Still Struggling With Hair

WWE 2K18
2k Sports

Will we ever see a WWE video game that has realistic looking hair mechanics? How come other games (many older than WWE 2K17) have managed this, yet 2K consistently struggle to make strands look like part of a person's head? Hair in WWE 2K18 still looks like it doesn't belong on the character models.

This isn't noticeable at all on those with short hair, but on guys like Seth Rollins it really stands out. Although the new lighting system masks things slightly, which is great, there's still a sticking point when hair falls around the shoulders or neck. Facial hair is pretty much spot on though, which makes things even more odd.

2K just can't get to grips with head hair at all. 2K18's hair looks better than in 2K17, but not by much. Hopefully they can iron out these kinks before the game's release in October, otherwise those spaghetti-like hairdos will remind players a little too much of the early SmackDown titles.

Y'know, ones released almost 18 years ago.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.