WWE 2K18: 7 Things You Can Learn From The Game’s First Footage

2. The Detail On Belts Is Amazing

WWE 2K18
2K Sports

Doesn't that Universal Title look beautiful? The hard work put into crafting that thing leaps off the screen into your eyeballs. Somebody deserves a pay rise for that one, because the crackled leather and shimmery metal plates contrast vividly to create some of the best looking belts WWE games have ever seen.

Older fans will find their mouths watering at this image. No longer do titles look like toys photoshopped onto the waists of those who hold them. Now, the belts actually attach around the waist and appear much more physical. 2K obviously didn't rush when it came to this part of the game. A lot of love was put into the detail of props.

If 2K can display such attention to detail with the Universal Title, then just imagine what's possible with the older titles in the game. The classic white Intercontinental or resplendent Undisputed Titles will look jaw-dropping by comparison to older models if this Universal belt is anything to go by.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.