WWE 2K19: 10 Biggest Fears Hardcore Fans Have

7. Familiar Bugs Will Plague The Game's Launch

2K Sports

In a perfect world, video games would be play tested to death before release and only hit store shelves or console dashboards when they're free of even the most minor of flaws. This, irritatingly, is not a perfect world, and developers are more than happy to release games that are riddled with faults.

Don't worry, guys, they can always patch the living sh*t out of them with meaty updates afterwards. Great.

Wouldn't it be special to live in a world where, y'know, this didn't happen? Imagine a WWE game that was polished to the point that those buying it day one weren't doing so with the knowledge that there's probably something wrong with their pricey purchase. In other words, they'd be running home eager to play their finished product.

That's unlikely to happen. When 2K19 hits shelves, it'll do so with the same bugs and glitches that took gamers out of the moment in 2K18. As hilarious as seeing AJ Styles become one with the announce table or characters morph into terrying monsters with no legs is, it shouldn't be happening in 2018.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.