WWE 2K19: 10 Biggest Fears Hardcore Fans Have

6. There Won't Be Any Custom Music Option

WWE 2K18 CM Punk
2K Games

At the very least, 2K should be letting fans hear Living Colour's "Cult Of Personality" play their legless CM Punk download to the ring.

Only kidding: Nobody would be expecting WWE and 2K to stump up cold, hard cash for real-world tracks in 2K19. They don't need to, because WWE themselves have an endless library of classic entrance themes everyone could plunder for those meticulously-detailed Community Creations.

It's just a shame they don't think to put that on-disc, and they're also repeatedly failing to let players upload their own songs at the same time. This is inexcusable. Both the PS4 and Xbox One systems have a HDD and USB support. How hard would it be then to let gamers install custom music? That kind of freedom needs to be explored.

Again, this fear would be eased somewhat if 2K came out and revealed plans to include authentic superstar themes from the past. Nobody would miss the current truckload of generic tracks if they could give those CAWs the correct accompaniment.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.