WWE 2K19: 10 Biggest Fears Hardcore Fans Have

5. Same Boring Match Types Will Haunt The Menus

WWE 2K18 Match Types

Pictured above is one fan's wet dream-style concept for what WWE 2K18's match type selection screen could have looked like. Note the inclusion of thrilling scenarios like Casket, Inferno and Ambulance matches, and the complete absence of mind-numbing repetition.

When 2K19 is released, hands up who wants to see a monotonous collection of matches that (without even being a smart-ass about it) are exactly the bloody same? Nobody? Good. It can't just be this writer who's sick of seeing 2K proudly display stipulations like Extreme Rules and No Holds Barred as though they come with wildly different rule sets.

There's zero need for the latter when it's the same as the former. That needs to become 2K's mantra.

In 2K19, there has to be some more variety. It sucks then to think that the game will see the same limited group of match types that neither reward player creativity or jump off the screen as must-play gimmicks. Even Hell In A Cell is starting to feel like a super-slow snore.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.