WWE 2K19: 10 Biggest Innovations We Need To See

9. A Classic WWE Music Library

WWE 2K18 Roddy Piper
2K Games

There's really no excuse for this one.

Instead of including a generic list of tracks gamers can choose from for their CAW creations, most fans probably agree that having a library of classic WWE themes would be better. This is long overdue, and it's actually a surprise that 2K haven't implemented such an archive before now.

It cheapens the appeal of picture-perfect Community Creations, like the legendary Roddy Piper, if he's forced to enter the arena backed by the wrong music. This is supposed to be an authentic, customisable WWE experience, not one with any shortcuts; this isn't 1998, and we shouldn't be forced to use our imaginations by now.

If 2K aren't going to let players upload their own tracks for use in the creation suite, then the least they can do is provide their own range of classics we can cherry pick from. This just seems like a no-brainer; it's a simple change, albeit one that'd feed the game's immersive feel.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.