WWE 2K19: 8 Things You Need To Know

6. Pre-Ordering Is Worth Your While

WWE 2K19 Rey Mysterio
2K Games

Accepting that 2K will withhold at least one key name from the on-disc roster so they can advertise them as pre-order bonuses has become WWE video game law. It's a bit annoying at times (imagine EA hiding Cristiano Ronaldo behind a pay wall for FIFA?), yes, but it's widely accepted as the way it is now.

Besides, it's usually worth your while to pre-order the next 2K experience.

If you happen to be sitting on the fence and unsure whether the next WWE game will offer something truly fresh, then it's unlikely you're the type to buy each title annually anyway. Gamers who do pick every one up, without fail, are best-served by squeezing everything they can from 2K's game, and that means pre-ordering is the way to go.

Put it this way: there's zero upside to missing out on Rey Mysterio and Ronda Rousey as playable characters when a pre-order of the Standard edition isn't any more expensive than it would be after launch. The key difference post-release is that you'd then have to pay extra to get Rey and Ronda as DLC.

What's the point in that when that pre-order includes a download code for them in-box?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.