WWE 2K19: 8 Things You Need To Know

2. There Are Rumours Of A Daniel Bryan Showcase

WWE 2K19
WWE.com/2K Games

On the subject of those dearly-missed Showcase career retrospectives, there's a persisting rumour that 2K will bring the feature back so they can focus on one Daniel Bryan before it's too late.

This all stems from a tweet posted by WrestleVotes. The site claims that WWE and 2K want to get the most from Bryan's remaining months in the company and make him a major part of the new game before his contract expires this September. Other news sites have picked up on the rumour, and it's become one that won't go away.

Should Bryan elect to leave WWE when his current deal does run out, it'd make sense that 2K would want to capitalise on his recent in-ring return and cash in on hardcore fan sentiment. Still, it's only a rumour for now, and 2K haven't made any official announcements about a sweeping Showcase comeback.

There's a niggling feeling that the "new game mode" will turn out to be career-based though. If so, it's logical that either AJ Styles (as the cover man) or the outgoing Daniel Bryan would be featured. We can but hope.

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