WWE 2K19 Review: 5 Ups & 3 Downs

2. Emphasis On Fun

WWE 2K19 Big Heads
2K Sports

That newfound emphasis on fun can be found all the way through 2K19's product.

Beyond the wackiness of MyCareer or the self-deprecating humour of Daniel Bryan as he discusses his fight to the top of WWE, there's 'Big Head Mode', some Minecraft-like block characters and other quirks such as cel-shading or the returning 8-Bit graphical filters.

These aren't deal breakers for anyone who thinks the actual gameplay needs an overhaul, but they at least show 2K aren't some po-faced studio who are only interested in pro wrestling simulation. They're showing a more light-hearted side, at last, and we want more of it in future titles.

Even the new Towers Mode shakes things up by adding variation and challenge to the mix. That kind of range was missing from the series previously, so it's really, really nice to see in 2K19. Once you're done with Showcase and MyCareer, there's still lots to do across multiple single-player modes. That's one of the game's biggest victories.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.