WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

2. Replace Universe With A Dedicated Story Mode

WWE 2K19 Story
2K Games

Fans of Universe Mode will lean on statements like, 'there's fun to be found if you look hard enough' and, '...but this is your WWE sandbox'. Time to put those claims to bed. Why should anyone have to look for fun in a video game? It should hit you in the face and be at the forefront of the experience. Also, call us old-fashioned, but stories were better when they were written for us rather than happening randomly.

A dedicated 'Story Mode' that's cohesive, doesn't rely on random computing decisions and weaves an appealing narrative using real, honest-to-God WWE stars should really be at the heart of any WWE game. The fact 2K don't seem to realise this is highly distressing to those who recall Here Comes The Pain or the prior year's Shut Your Mouth releases.

Both those games had excellent stories pinning down the match-to-match gameplay.

Some will complain, but 2K should pool their resources, oust Universe, eliminate the open-ended feel and make things more focused again. They can, after all, produce individual stories for different superstars, and that'd feed replay value in the mode.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.