WWE 2K20: 10 Biggest Changes 2K Must Make

1. A Proper Live Update

WWE 2K19 Ricochet
2K Games

Community Creations has been a God-send for WWE video games this era. Creating and downloading perfect recreations of indy stars, non-WWE talent and legendary figures of old is a game in itself, and it broadens 2K19's appeal. Latterly, it's also become a place for small teams of dedicated players to do 2K's job for them.

Dip a toe into the community and you'll find updated ring attires, entrances and more. Sorry, but this is sheer laziness on the developer's part. They're the ones who should be updating their game and letting users sit back, relax and hit that download button to get their WWE experience bang up to date with what's happening in the real world.

A proper live update system is sorely needed. 2K need to be more hands-on when it comes to updating new looks, hairdos, forming or splitting tag-teams, changing alignments, uploading arenas and much more. By now, fans should be able to hop on and download real-life house show, TV or pay-per-view cards they can play out as well.

Not only would this lengthen the game's shelf life, it'd also show that 2K aren't content to plop out annual releases and count their money.

What other sweeping changes do you think 2K must make this year? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.